Title I » Sheridan Terrace Schoolwide Title 1 School-Home Compact

Sheridan Terrace Schoolwide Title 1 School-Home Compact

Sheridan Terrace

Elementary School


School-Parent Compact




Sheridan Terrace Goals for Student Achievement

Measurable Goal 1: 


The anchors for Key Ideas and Details in literature and informational text will be studied in order to design instruction that engages students. 


Measurable Goal 2: 


We will monitor and evaluate the impact of professional learning on staff practices and student learning with particular focus on the iReady professional development being provided this school year.  


Goal Statement: Students will master letter sounds and apply them to reading and writing three letter words.
Connection to Home: Parents will reinforce letter sounds taught at school and guide their children to use sounds to read three letter words.
First Grade
Goal Statement: Students will read and comprehend instructional level texts.
Connection to Home: Read and discuss instructional level texts sent home.
Second Grade
Goal Statement: Students will fluently read grade level texts.
Connection to Home: Parent models fluent reading at home.
Third Grade
Goal Statement: Students will comprehend instructional level texts and transfer to written expression.
Connection to Home: Families will make a writing connection to a self –selected text, and share this at school during “Book Talks!”
Fourth Grade
Goal Statement: Increase accuracy and fluency to improve verbal and written comprehension in all subject areas.
Connection to Home: Track daily reading through reading log and written reflection.

Jointly Developed


The parents, students, and staff of Sheridan Terrace Elementary School developed this School-Parent Compact for Achievement. Teachers provided learning goals and home learning strategies that will be revised yearly. Parents worked with the teachers in the initial development of this document and will be provided with opportunities for yearly revisions. Students set yearly personal learning goals to help them continue to grow and achieve in school. Parents are welcome to contribute comments at any time.

Building Partnerships

Upcoming Events this Year:

 Three Parent and Family Engagement Meetings (Virtual)
 Parent/Teacher Conferences (Phone or Google Meet)

A School-Parent Compact for Achievement is an agreement that parents, students, and teachers develop together. It explains how parents and teachers will work together to make sure all our students reach grade-level standards.
Effective Compacts:
 Link to goals of the school improvement plan
 Focus on student learning skills
 Describe how teachers will help students develop those skills using high-quality instruction.
 Share strategies parents can use at home.
 Explain how teachers and parents will communicate about student progress.




Sheridan Terrace Elementary School is committed to frequent two-way communication with families about children’s learning. Some of the ways you can expect us to reach you are:
 Take Home Folders, LLI Pouches, or Special Delivery
 Parent and Family Engagement Meetings at least three times a year
 Parent/Teacher Conferences held in the fall and spring
 Communication logs for LLI homework
 Updates on the school website
 Phone and email communication
 Requested conferences

District Goals


Goal #1: Establish a district system that fully ensures staff members in every school use standards aligned assessments to monitor student achievement and ad-just instructional practices.
Goal #2: Establish a district system that fully ensures the consistent implementation of effective instructional practices across all classrooms in each school.
Goal #3: Establish a district system that fully ensures consistent implementation of 21st century digital literacy skills in teaching and learning across all schools to benefit all students.