AMY MCLAUGHLIN » Welcome to Speech and Language Support

Welcome to Speech and Language Support

I am so happy to be your child’s speech-language pathologist!  I look forward to a wonderful year full of growth and positive experience for your child. I will do my best this year to ensure each student has an effective and valuable learning experience in speech and language therapy.  I have included our speech room procedures below.  Please reach out to me at anytime regarding questions and/or concerns. 

Thank you!  Mrs. McLaughlin 


Home Practice:


Students will receive speech and language folders this year. All home practice materials will be provided following each speech and language session and sent home in the folders. To encourage carryover, speech students will need to return their signed homework log for a trip to the treasure box.  As always, speech homework is optional, but it is encouraged. Practice takes only a few minutes and can be signed by anyone at home willing to help (i.e., older siblings, babysitters, grandparents, etc.)



Home/School Correspondence:


Please use your child’s speech homework as a way share information.  You can write notes (i.e., this was easy), circle difficult words, or ask questions. I am also available via email or phone

(724) 861-3025 x6219 anytime.