KRISTIE LYNN » School Supplies

School Supplies

Please send in the following items with your child on the first day of school.

          1 backpack

          1 pencil box (boxes work better than bags, but either will do)

          1 change of clothes

          1 pair of headphones for technology

*We use about 1000 glues sticks a year! If you see a good deal, pick some up!


Thank you! No child will go without. If needed, I will certainly buy all of the above materials for your child.




I am so fortunate to work with such wonderful parents here at Norwin.  I am often asked, “What can I send in for our classroom?”  If you would ever like to donate items to our classroom, below is a list of things that we can never have enough of here in our room!


Expo Markers

Clorox Wipes

Glue Sticks

Play Doh

Paper Plates (small and large)

Plastic Utensils 

Boxes of Jello Powder 

24 Packs of Crayons 

Scotch Tape